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How Microsoft Partners Can Turn CPoR and DPoR into Revenue

Written by Cloud Contracts | Sep 17, 2024 4:02:00 PM

Did you know Microsoft dishes out millions in rebates to its partners every year? If you’re not tapping into this potential windfall, you might be missing out on some serious cash. Stick with us, because a few small changes in your contracts could turn modest rebates into a six-figure game-changer!


The Secret to Bigger Rebates is Hiding in Your Contracts

You might be leaving huge rebates on the table simply because your contracts are missing a few key clauses. With the right adjustments, you could see your rebate earnings soar from hundreds to hundreds of thousands. It’s all about smart contract management and seizing every opportunity.


More Than Just Money – Boost Your Influence

It’s not just about the money. By claiming those rebates, you’re also staking your claim in Microsoft’s partner ecosystem. This means you’ll appear on their scorecards, gaining more visibility and trust as the go-to Microsoft Partner for your clients. Bonus? You lock out the competition from getting their hands on your hard-earned customers.


Simple Steps to Maximise Your Earnings

You need to incorporate the right clauses for CPOR, DPOR, PAL, and TPOR into your agreements, and make sure Proof of Execution (PoE) and global admin rights are clearly defined.


What Are DPOR and CPOR?

Before 2019, the Digital Partner of Record (DPOR) system allowed Microsoft Partners to be linked to customer subscriptions for services like Office 365, Dynamics CRM Online, and Azure. This system helped partners access customer data to offer better services.

Enter CPOR (Claiming Partner of Record) in October 2019, a game changer. Unlike DPOR, CPOR recognises partners who support customers across all Microsoft products and services. It also allows multiple partners to be linked to a single subscription, perfect for collaborative efforts.


Why Did Microsoft Switch from DPOR to CPOR?

Microsoft revamped the system based on partner feedback. DPOR had its limitations: only one partner could be associated with a subscription, and customers had to make the associations. This often led to missed opportunities and limited visibility for partners.

CPOR addresses these issues by allowing multiple partners to be recognized and giving partners control over the association process. This provides Microsoft with a clearer picture of partner contributions and enhances the overall partner experience.


The Perks of CPOR Over DPOR

CPOR is a game-changer for Microsoft Partners. It allows multiple partners to be associated with specific projects or workloads, rather than just one partner per subscription. Plus, you can now manage the associations yourself, rather than relying on customers to do it.


How to Get Started with CPOR

To get recognised as a Claiming Partner of Record, you need to include the right language in your contracts before starting any work. Ensure your customer approves the New Customer Agreement, provides tenant details, and verifies your services. Then, all future work will be tied to your Microsoft Partner ID.


Why Some Still Use DPOR

Despite CPOR’s advantages, some clients still value their historical DPOR status. If you’ve built a strong relationship under DPOR, maintaining that status can showcase your long-term expertise and commitment.


Usage Recognition: A Bonus, Not a Paycheck

While usage recognition won’t earn you direct incentives, it’s a great way to gain visibility as a Microsoft Partner without the hassle of Proof of Execution (PoE). It’s an easy win to boost your standing in the Microsoft ecosystem.