Generate legally sound contracts in minutes.
Why spend hours when you can create professional quality contracts in just 15 minutes? Our contract builder enables you to:
Generate tailored, legally compliant contracts in minutes.
Customise our contract templates to set your common terms and conditions.
Create contracts at a fraction of the cost of a lawyer.
Include clauses for technology businesses and Microsoft Partners.
Spot and stop legal risks instantly.
Spot risks before they become problems. Protect your business from hidden legal risks with our AI-powered Contract Reviewer. Simply upload your contract, and in minutes, you'll receive a thorough, risk-assessed document with actionable recommendations. No need for expensive lawyers.
Quickly identify risks and how to mitigate them.
Know exactly where to negotiate or push-back.
Shorten your sales cycle with contracts reviewed in minutes.
Instantly receive a risk score and summary of issues.
Manage the entire contract lifecycle from creation to renewal.
Keep your agreements organised, secure, and compliant with our Contract Manager. With its powerful features, you’ll effortlessly navigate the contract process, saving time and minimising legal risk.
Safely store all your contracts in one secure place.
Get contracts signed quickly with built-in e-signature capabilities.
Never miss a critical date with automated renewal reminders.
Prepare for exit with well-organised and compliant contracts.
What our customers say
We’re proud to be part of our clients' success stories. Here’s what our awesome clients have to say!
Labdesk were an early adopter of the platform, and we love it. The Contract Builder allows us to easily get NDA’s in place and more importantly, solid contracts for our MSP customers.
Mike Douglass, DirectorThe Contract Reviewer instantly showed me an area of concern in a contract which allowed me to have an important discussion with the other side and mitigate risk in the business.
Christopher Pond, CTOThrough the Contract Builder tool, I was able to create a bespoke Master Services Agreement in seconds, send it to my client and have them sign it in the same day. A record for us!
Steve Rudd, Account DirectorIt's quick and easy to get up and running. Allows us to store all our contractual documentation in a safe and secure, centralised location. It's simple and easy to manage electronic signatures. We have been able to save time and money reviewing contracts internally, as we have not had to involve legal teams in every negotiation.
Adam Sellers, Founder DirectorWe have never seen anything like Cloud Contracts in the Microsoft partner industry. The fact that I can get my customer contracts reviewed and risk-scored in minutes has saved us countless hours of wasted time. I feel much more confident that we are protected by our legal contracts.
Sian Herrington, CEO